William Shakespeare Macbeth
Fig: Macbeth Cover Photo

WBCHSE DRAMA11 MACBETH by William Shakespeare

Q. What did each of the three witches predict to Macbeth when he first met them? What did they tell Banquo?

Ans:— When Macbeth and Banquo, two Scottish generals, were returning from the great battle against the rebel army of Norway, they met the three witches amid thunder and lightening. The first witch saluted Macbeth with the title of “thane of Glamis”. The second witch addressed him as the “thane of Cawder” and the third witch told him that he would be the king of Scotland. These were the prophetic greetings on the part of the witches.
 Then the weird sisters turned towards Banquo and predicted in riddling terms — that he would be lesser than Macbeth and greater, not so happy nut much happier. They also predicted that although Banquo would never be the king of Scotland, yet his successors would be kings. Then they turned into the air and vanished.

MACBETH by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE MACBETH by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Reviewed by Mafizul Shaikh on Friday, August 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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